Some Ninja Woodfire Tips/Observations



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
So, I've alluded to this in a couple posts. But for those who have gotten one, or are about to, some tips and observations I've seen/done.
This thing is FAST. I mean REALLY fast. It's so fast that even if you're using something like the Chef IQ, (or any other predictive wireless probe) be aware that while they will report the temp of the food accurately they don't have the speed to predict how fast the food can and does cook.
So for instance. If you are grilling a steak, and you want the finished rested temp to be a nice mid rare say 135, don't pull it at 130 and think it will "rest up" to 135. Somehow this little thing puts more "residual" heat than you expect or your thermometer expects. Pull it at least 10 deg sooner and tent it. It will rise to 135 then in about 7 min.
Another thing: when you use the "grill" setting it is no slouch in the heat dept. The grill plate on med runs 450-480 and for those of you thinking "oh hell my Genesis/Summit, etc" easily runs 700+ I'm tellin ya this thing is STILL hotter at the food than your gas powered incinerator. Couple that with fan forced heated convection air being blown on it, it is WAY faster and more effective than the hottest "fire powered" grill you can imagine. Not bragging here, simply relating observations and cooking tips.
Even smoking something takes only about 50%-60% the time you'd expect from your pellet pit. Again I think it's the much more forceful fan forced heated convection and the smaller space.
Anyway I'm still learning and adjusting to this and still will sometimes "over shoot" my food temps.
But figured I would pass this along.
I am taking note as well. I guess I don’t really need one, but it has been very interesting reading your experiences. I was pretty much in the same boat with your “Meh” reaction back when they first came out, but this seems to be one time where the product performs even better than they advertised.

I will be watching for your future posts. I also have interest in the air fryer capability, which gives it even more value to me, as we don’t have one.
I am taking note as well. I guess I don’t really need one, but it has been very interesting reading your experiences. I was pretty much in the same boat with your “Meh” reaction back when they first came out, but this seems to be one time where the product performs even better than they advertised.

I will be watching for your future posts. I also have interest in the air fryer capability, which gives it even more value to me, as we don’t have one.
I did do air fried/smoked wings with it. Pretty darn good. I might have needed a few deg higher temp though (I used 390) and likely would have been better had I used 425 or so. And maybe a smidgen longer cook time. So, I will say quite capable as an air fry device and having the advantage of being able to get some smoke on things as well
Sam's Club has the Ninja Woodfire Pro Connect Premium XL for $280, with cover and 2 thermometers. Sale ends 2/19.

EDIT: moved this post to the Buy/Sell forum
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