Some Brisket Please


Bill Schultz

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Some Brisket Advise Please

So i am smoking a 13lb brisket for Independence Day for my family. I was originally going to do an all nighter at 225, but I just watched JB do his briskets, which came out great at 275 and looking like 7-8 hours.
My WSM 22.5 likes to naturally settle in at 275 at the dome which is what JB is cooking at, I have to shut her down quite a bit to get 225-250.
So I guess my question is this, do I start my packer at 11pm at 225 or do I start it at 6am at 275? Oh by the way I don't want to foil for the sake of great bark.
Which do you guys recommend?
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for tough meats like brisket, I prefer lower and slower. however, if your rig likes to run at a certain temp w/o tending and you know how to time your cooks, go w/what's easy.
If you don't want to foil, stick with low and slow. It's difficult to get a successful hot and fast brisket without foiling.
Bill you didn't mention what time you are planning on eating ? I did a 15 pounder that I started at midnight and was able to serve around 1:30 .... The smoker ran at about avg temp of 250...I didn't foil but I did wrap in butcher paper from about 6am till around 11 when pulled off smoke ..I never looked at internal temps during any of the cook... And it was the best brisket to date .. Just watched Aaron Franklins video for guidelines ..Brad
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We have gotten calls cooking at 250 and calls at 280. That's about as high as I go simply because the room for error narrows drastically at higher heat.

