So when do you use a drip-pan on a kettle

Alright so it seems were runnin about 50/50 as some use foil or a pan on indirect for smaller thangs. I could see the use for heavy sweet glazes but otherwise I just run my OTG the same as my dad did on his kettle, let the drips fall where they may unless you're doin a big roast or what have you.

This has been an interesting read so thanks for the input!
Anyone else?

I do a lot of indirect grilling. I ALWAYS use a drip pan underneath the meat.

When I am direct grilling, of course, I use no pan.

I cook 95% indirect. And i started out with a pan like most of us. Now i dont bother. Put the coals on the "indirect side" after 20+ cooks and let it burn to dust. Reminds me i think i will do a burnout this evening. Im thinking a chicken wok
Well same resault but you skip the pan?! And save those $ for fuel? Even if you use a solid pan, Enjoy the spare time.
I use most times under the rotisserie. Other than that on occasion when indirect when cooking large quantity of fatty stuff, or when I want to catch the drippings for finishing sauces, gravy making and such. If I think I will have a load of gunk in the kettle afterwards, etc.

I like the foil ones as they come in different sizes and you can bend/mold and augment with HD aluminum foil. I rinse an reuse as possible.

If I dump liquid/fat it goes back in the "lower 40" in the back yard under the holly trees.
I cook for 5-6 most of the time. That usually uses about 2/3 of the top grate and I've yet to find any type of pan that will do the trick.
Like Clint said up-thread I have the OTG and most drippings find the way into the ash catcher.
Two or three times a year I'll do a burnoff like DW mentioned.

Most of the time I use a charcoal basket that I made out of expanded metal. I always foil the portion of the charcoal grate which is not covered by the basket. I'll use a drip tray when I do ribs or other messy things.
Originally posted by Justin W:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gary Hodgin:
I use indirect in about all my grilling. I have the Weber charcoal holders and double up the pans. I double up the pans so they're a little stronger. I add a glass or two of water.

When I'm finished I just pour the water out, dry the pan off with a paper towel and used it again. I use the Weber pans and get several cooks out of one pan. When the top pan becomes too flimsy I throw it a way and add another pan. The water is primarily used to keep the pan from gunking up so quickly.

Where do you pour the gunky water? (sink, trash, yard, neighbor's yard, ?) lol </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry it took so long to reply. I didn't check the thread till today. Gunky water normally isn't too gunky but I just pour in out in my yard. No problems so far, but if it creates any problems I'll just wait till dark and take it over to my neighbor's.

