So what's the chance of?



I really want a JJ but after hearing about how cheaply Target clearanced them off for at the end of last season, I'm debating the logic of buying one now at full price?

Basically what I'm asking is, was last years clearance price a fluke or would I be smart to wait and see if they do it again this year?

I don't really need a JJ right now so I could wait but I really want a JJ right now. Father's day is coming up and that would be an easy item to ask for but I'd hate to spend $60 (or have anybody in my family spend $60) when I may be able to get the exact item for $30 in a couple of months.
I think you answered your question? But I'm a good wing man. IMHO, the "Joes" are the most well rounded and useful grill out there. Once you make a mini out of it (and you will) you will have the best of both worlds. Now, is that versatility worth $60bucks for instant gratification and world domination? Absolutely! You can always troll CL and hope for the best. $60 bucks can be a lot of scratch sometimes fora want. But I don't think it's going to put the water bill on hold.
IMHO, the "Joes" are the most well rounded and useful grill out there. Once you make a mini out of it (and you will) you will have the best of both worlds.
Well I already have a SJS that I did make a mini WSM out of but do find it a little on the small side. That and I screwed up the lower vent on my SJS. I do think the JJ is a perfect compromise between size, capacity and portability and even at full price, I think its a very good value.

Now, is that versatility worth $60bucks for instant gratification and world domination? Absolutely! You can always troll CL and hope for the best. $60 bucks can be a lot of scratch sometimes fora want. But I don't think it's going to put the water bill on hold.
LOL - You're right, $60 isn't going to make or break anything but I am a deal hound and hate paying full price for stuff. I can justify buying stuff I don't need when I get a great deal OR I'm OK with paying full price for something I really need but this doesn't really fall into either category.

I put it on my wish list for Father's day. if I get it great. if not I'll probably wait until the end of summer and if it doesn't go on clearance (and/or don't find a deal on CL) then I'll just pay the $60. Either way a JJ will be mine! :D
At $60 a pop, I would buy those all day long.

Wanna buy one in the UK? +/-US$120. :mad:


