Looks like it's gonna be a Brisket kinda night over here on the east side of town. Using Larry R's coffee rub. Damn, that stuff was thick. I was thinking about using some of it for mortar and do some brick work, but it smells to good to mortar. I was thinking about putting her on at about 9 pm tonight depending on how many beers I have between now and then, but the plan is in place. While all that is going on I will be grilling a tri-tip that we bought from Costco.
EDIT 1: just started about ten coals to get the WSM fired up and have the brisket sitting out at room temperature. It's a cool windy and damp evening here in Fresno tonight, so it's going to interesting on how this one goes.
EDIT 2: just put the brisket on the cooker at 11:15 pm PST with a grate temp of 225*, left the sliding glass door open and now the house is full of smoke.
EDIT 3: just woke up and she is spot on at 225* and the meat is at 161*, going to foil her at 165*, it's cold and windy and wet this morning here in Fresno.