Smoking the Day Before the Party


Alan Elsner

New member
Got about 100 people coming over for a Saturday afternoon BBQ. I'm going to smoke 8 8lb butts on my WSM 18.5. Problem is I obviously can’t fit them all on at 1 time. Going to throw 4 on Thursday evening, and then 4 more Friday evening. What do I do with the 1st batch of pork, so that it is still Mmmm, Mmmm good on Saturday? Thanks
Me. I'll pull it then let it rest on the counter about an hr to take the heat/edge off. Transfer to shallow sheet-pans or corning-ware than cover loosely with foil and fridge over-nite, Next day I'll vac-seal or use zip-loc bags to hold till needed. I'll reheat in a pot of simmering water when needed.

I did two 8-lb butts on Saturday. Started at 7am and had to take them in at ~7pm and finish in the oven (ran out of coals and daylight). After they came up to temp and rested 30-mins, I pulled 'em and put them in a container with a lid. I've been eating leftovers all week and it tastes fine. For a party, put leftovers in a crock pot with a bit of water or apple juice till it's warmed up. I've done this in the past (and been known to add a bit of Stubb's BBQ Sauce for some added flavor).
I did a party once. I cooked the butts the two days before, and briskets the day before. Wrapped them and put them in a cooler like I normally do. Whey they got down to the 140, I wrapped them with plastic wrap (foil still on) and put them in the fridge. The morning of the party I removed the plastic wrap and warmed up half the butts and half the briskets slowly in the oven. I pulled and sliced after right before service. Both were fantastic. I served the first half and put the second half in the oven to warm up slowly. The morning of the party I put filled the WSM with chicken.
I did a party once. I cooked the butts the two days before, and briskets the day before. Wrapped them and put them in a cooler like I normally do. When they got down to the 140, I wrapped them with plastic wrap (foil still on) and put them in the fridge. The morning of the party I removed the plastic wrap and warmed up half the butts and half the briskets slowly in the oven.

Why keep butts and briskets hot, wrapped up so long, when the plan is to chill and keep in the fridge? Am I missing something here? :confused:

