Smoking for 2

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Rob Provost

Long time lurker, first time poster. I have been using my 22" kettle for years and think I am ready to buy a WSM this spring. I have been reading this BB for about a year and have one question.

If I buy the WSM I don't want to use it just for parties or large groups. Currently I grill a couple times a week for just the wife and I. I would like to use the WSM the same way.

Is the WSM suited for smoking for 2? I don't think we can eat a 8 lbs butt (though I would like to try).

Thanks for any help.

Buy a food saver and you can cook on the weekend and eat over the next couple of weeks. BBQ preserves very well in a vacuum pack in the freezer. Plus, you only get about 4 pounds out of a 8 pound pork butt anyways. Its suprising how fast the stuff disappears.
Vacuum food sealer will allow you too cook norm size cuts and freeze without freezer burn for a long period. You can make the packages the rights size for the two of you.
No problem. I usually cook just for two also. I have three WSM's here and I keep one in Arizona.

Many time if I am just doing a Costco three pack of ribs or a salmon fillet I just use the top rack. With the two racks you can do quite a bit of food for a group but you don't have to use the bottom rack if you don't need it.

Will also give away good Q to the neighbors, it is always appreciated.

A WSM and a kettle are a good combination.
Cooking for two is the norm for me, too. I do ribs frequently, and it's easy to size that to our appetites. When I do larger cuts, I just put some in the frig for later that week, and freeze the rest. I just got a Foodsaver in December, so that makes it easy to package meal-size portions for later consumption.
I concur with the rest of the respondees. I usually only cook for me and my wife and our two young kids (age 5 and 3) who combined don't eat as much as an adult. I usually only use the top rack. 2 racks of ribs feeds the family with leftovers for lunch. We can usually get two meals out of a chicken.

I do not recommend smoking smaller cuts of meat, however. My local Safeway sells pork butt halves in the 3-4 pound range. They cut a normal sized 6-7 pound butt in half and sell the halves. I have smoked the 1/2 butts, but they have not turned out as moist as the full size butts. I just cook a full size and freeze 1/2 for reheating some other time, like on a weeknight when its not practical to fire up the WSM for low/slow cooking.
Thanks for the information. I was close to buying a WSM and just needed that push. When it arrives I will let you know how my first smoke went.

Thanks again.

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