Smoking Fish


Richard Garcia

TVWBB Wizard
I have had my WSM Classic over 2 years and have never smoked fish in it because I am afraid it will leave a lousy fish smell. Thinking of smoking some local Costa Rican fish called "Pargo",so, do I need to worry about the after-fish-smell in my WSM Classic???


WSM Classic, OTG
Originally posted by richard garcia:
I have had my WSM Classic over 2 years and have never smoked fish in it because I am afraid it will leave a lousy fish smell. Thinking of smoking some local Costa Rican fish called "Pargo",so, do I need to worry about the after-fish-smell in my WSM Classic???


Ok gonna channel Myron Mixon here, LOL Smoaked fish not on my smoker , beef , pork, chicken heck yea. Somebody wants fish I will either fry that bad boy or grill it on a Weber kettle.!!!!

WSM Classic, OTG
I have smoked salmon in mine several times. No problem with fish smell, just remeber to clean the grates afterwards.

Hot smoking salmon is not my favourite. I think the fish becomes too mushy. Brined/marinated for a couple of hours, grilled on high heat skin down for six minutes, and then flipped and just charred on the other side makes a much more flaky and tender salmon. Good quality salmon does not need any other flavours than it already has.
Originally posted by Geir Widar:
I have smoked salmon in mine several times. No problem with fish smell, just remeber to clean the grates afterwards.

Care to share the reciepe I would love to try the salmon we eat alot of that here , I bet it taste great???
Well regarding the use of the WSM, I do not have my own recipe- yet. I do love the tuoch of smoke, but my tries so far have been a bit mushy for my taste, I'm sure that is Ok with most people, but I like my salmon more flaky and tender. It will still be juicy. I have tried the recipes on this page- -
I will try to increase the amount of salt a bit, as well as the time when the fish is brined. If it gets too salty, you can always put the fish in cold water for a couple of hours. Salmon is very forgiving to such treatment, and it does not reduce the quality. Then one experiment that I have done, indicates that "longer brine, rinse longer" is a step in the right direction to more flaky and tender hot smoked salmon.
(But there is too little time, and so many fantastic meals that the other members make that I want to try

But please, I was not trying to pose as a "fish hot smoker expert", just trying to state that "fish smell" is no problem in the WSM.

I do know my salmon, I live in a country where you need a fishing rod, a licence, and some patience, and the freezer is full
I'm new to hot smoking salmon. But it does not stink up the WSM.
I smoked 2 salmon fillets last weekend. They turned out great. I rubbed them with a 75/25 mixture of brown sugar and granulated garlic, then smoked them in a foil pan, like a lasagna pan with low sides. No drips, no grate cleaning, no stink. I actually do my boneless/skinless chicken breasts the same way with success, at least thats what the crowd says.

