Smoking during the winter time


J. Robertson

New member
Hey guys and gals, I'm new here. I love smoking and grilling with my one touch. I've smoked quite a few butts with my one touch, but usually in the spring-summer months. I'am going to be smoking a 9LB butt tomorrow, probably going to start it around 4 in the morning and eat around 5-6. What will I encounter smoking during the winter months? Thanks for any advice.
I don't think you will see much change. Up here in the Midwest, my smoking technique doesn't really change. The wind is your biggest enemy!
I don't think you will see much change. Up here in the Midwest, my smoking technique doesn't really change. The wind is your biggest enemy!

+1 on what he said. Unless you're in subzero temps the wind will be your big battle. But all things considered, high winds + cold air temperatures will result in more fuel usage than high wind + warm or hot air temperatures.
4AM? Whooeeee! That's early. Other than problem. If you can rig a little shelter for the grill , I find that helps.
Post some pictures! Good luck , brother. :wsm:
Hey guys, thanks for the advice. Yes, 4AM was early especially at 21F. I moved the grill to the covered portion of my deck, everything is going good. It's been roughly 6 hours since I poured my charcoal in, used about 40% of my fuel so far. Using apple wood for the smoke part this time, first time for apple. Boys, its smelling goooooood! Around 12 I'm going to do an internal temp check of the meat and see where I am at. I need to pick up a second thermometer to keep in the meat in addition to the one I keep in the grill, this way I won't ever have to open the lid.
I need to pick up a second thermometer to keep in the meat in addition to the one I keep in the grill, this way I won't ever have to open the lid.
Having a meat thermometer is also a great way to learn how meat changes during the cook. I don't do it much any more but it was helpful in the beginning. Don't mean to change the thread, but I would recommend a cheap Taylor or Polder (or whatever your local store has) meat thermometer and I would spend money on a Thermapen. My cheap dome thermometer and my Thermapen are all I use these days.

