Smoking box


Warren Frank

New member
Does anyone use one of those smoking box accessories where you put pellets in and place on the grate for extra flavor? I seen a pretty nice one by Kingsford.
I use the pellet one for cold smoking cheese where I don’t want any heat and it is great. I use the wood chips in a “V” shaped tray on the flavorizer bars when gas grilling and chunks for charcoal. The downfall of the pellets for me in Canada is finding small quantities of different flavour pellets locally. The pellets intended for use in a smoker tube are 100% flavour wood. (Apple, hickory pecan etc) If you use the pellets for a pellet smoker, they are composed of another hardwood (to provide the heat) with a small percentage of flavour wood added to the mixture. So, not as much flavour per pellet. In the US you can always get them off Amazon if not locally. And as Timothy says, another tool in the toolbox.
Since viewing a Harry Soo Video on YouTube; I place some big chunks of smoke wood on the bottom charcoal grate and cover-it with the lighted charcoal. Opps!; just realized that this is a Gas Grill Thread:rolleyes:

