Though I have not done it with a tenderloin I think Chris may be right as you want a certain amount of penetration you get from the smoke that mostly happens the first hour or so. I would think that searing would prevent some of that from happening. Just my thought on it though maybe others would have a different opinion
Jeff I followed that recipe to a T at least a dozen times and it always came great!!
Edit: If you have some Red Oak try it cause I love it with the mild beef flavor of a TL.
thanks guys, all I can is WOW! The meat was incredibly tender and flavorful, really like no filet mignon we've ever had. We made a couple of sauces but the meat was so good, it was a crime to use them. I didn't have red oak but apple worked perfectly.Also, Chris' video on how to butcher a tenderloin was indispensable.