Smoking 3 picnics..need help with time...


Rene Roy

Ok, according to the tips takes approximate 1 1/2 to 2 hours per pound..for picnic/butts so if I am cooking (3) 7 lb. picnics total of 21 lbs. it should take me somewhere between 31.5 to 42 hours..this just doesn't seem right to me. Sounds to long for some reason..
Rene, It's the weight of each butt/picnic, not the total weight. I'd be looking at 10 to 15 hours, maybe just a little longer, depending on your pit temp of course.
Don't feel bad, Rene. I just did the same thing 2 days ago when I was hurriedly calculating the cook time for two 7-lb butts. When I came up with a 28-hour cook it finally dawned on me. I agree....that's why we have you guys!
Not to fret. Either of you. In a microwave, where energy output of the appliance is what cooks the food, you do have to go by total weight, not weight of individual pieces. Maybe that's the reason you were thinking that way.

But in an oven, or WSM, all the pieces are exposed to the heat individually, so the time is controlled by individual weights.

