Smoking 2 Pork Butts & 1 Beef Brisket for son's birthday party


James Focht

New member
Hello all. I've been lurking on this forum for the past few months and finally decided to register as a member. I bought my WSM back at the end of March, which set of a chain reaction of smoking food every weekend! Safe to say, it has been my new addiction. This forum has been a weatlth of knowedge as I've read page after page. I haven't smoked any food I haven't liked, and I owe it to this great community. Let me start by saying thanks!

On to my topic...My son's birthday party is tomorrow and we are having 20-25 guests. It sounds like a good time to show of some of my new smoking skills, so I decide to smoke a couple butts and a brisket for the party. Well..I've only been able to buy the brisket flat so far. I want to try the whole brisket but that's all Sam's seem to carry. I need to find my self a local butcher. Anyways...

I have experience cooking the brisket, which I've made 4 times since I've had the WSM. It's quicky become one of my favorite things to smoke so far. However, this is my first time smoking the needless to say I am excited to see the outcome. I purchased a pack of 2 butts and the beef bristket from Sam's Club on Thursday. I got them all prepped tonight, (friday) and fired up the WSM around 8:30. I threw the butts on at 9:00PM and I'm off.

You'll notice the 2nd butt on the bottom rack. At 2:00AM I moved the butt from the bottom to the top and threw in the brisket. The butts are running ~155 degrees so far. I'll post back with some updates as the cook continues.
Sounds like you're going to have a heck of a party! When is dinner being served? LOL

Good luck on your cook. If you can handle brisket, the butts will be easy; they are much more forgiving. In fact, when I do brisket these days I always go with the high heat approach which includes foiling with some liquid when it reaches 165. Tough to do that method when you're doing butts, too.

Well that party was a hit. The pork was very tender and everyone enjoyed it. Total cook time was 16 hours. I would have liked a bigger smoke ring but it tasted great so I won't complain.

Looks great to me James. Congrats on your cook.

