smokin' brats?


Jake Melon

New member
I'm doing a beer and brats party around July 4th and was wondering if anyone tried to smoke store bought brats in their WSM?

I realize they're already cooked and ready to eat but I wonder if smoking would be wise to add more "flavor" to them.

These brats will be coming from a german deli.

Works fine, just make sure you get them to 165° internal for safety. Some people don't like the 'charred' look of grilling so smoking or indirect takes care of that problem.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">I realize they're already cooked and ready to eat </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
don't buy those... they're really NOT brats.
Stop at your local butcher shoppe and ask for fresh brats.
cook them indirect about 250 - 300ºF for about an hour or so, and like Greg has mentioned, probe the brat at the end about 1.5 inches in for a nice 165º or better.
I smoke Kielbasa quite often with great results AND taste.
Good luck!
Welocome aboard!
yup, no on the pre-cooked. I like them best on the top grate for 45-60 minutes. I don't probe them very often, when you can see the juices boiling inside the casing they're done.

You can tell when they're overcooked (to my standard) because the skin pops & the juices flow out & they look like fingers that've been in a hot tub too long (wrinkley). They're still good this way!

