Smoked Meatloaf W/Pictures


Bruce Bissonnette

Did Old Jim's BBQ Meatloaf recipe tonight, using 2 chunks of cherry wood. I only used 6lbs. of meat instead of 7 1/2 and cut back on some ingredients but followed the recipe fairly straight.

Fired up the WSM at 2:30pm using the MM and took the loafs off at 6:40pm, one at 165 the other at 161. I ran with a top grate temp of between 240-250. I sauced the one loaf with Head Contry BBQ Sauce.

Here are some pics if you're interested.
I thought this was really stupid, until I saw the photo of the sliced meatloaf. That looks great! I never would have thought of trying a meatloaf in a smoker
WSM smoked meatloaf is one of my favorites. Way underrated and under-made IMHO. Yours looks great Bruce! I like to form my loaf put it in the fridge for 2+ hours and smoke it on Parchmate(sp?) paper. It holds together great and the smoke goes all the way around. You are in for some great meatloaf sandwiches for lunch!
Stewart. I do not really like to use a lot of breadcrumbs or oats in my meatloafs. So I like to put it in the fridge for a couple hours before I cook it. When the meat gets cold it kind of firms up and holds it shape better on the parchment paper.
I just shape mine freeform and put them on a perforated pizza pan over a foil pizza pan to catch the drippings. I too chill my meat mixture before shaping them and it does firm up the mix some. Mine settle just a little bit before they are cooked, not much. I save the drippings and add them to the BBQ sauce (below).

I make 4 at a time. Meatloaf recipe with Honey Beef BBQ Sauce and Danny's Glaze is:

The recipe looks kind of long but it's easy to put together, really. The only difficult thing is to find a bowl large enough to mix all that meat mixuture. I make it about every 3 months for an event and it seems to be well received, since they keep asking me to make it.

That's some sweet looking meatloaf. Did you use the recipe from here or your own. I gotta try that for my Father-he wants to eat meatloaf for every meal, but never had one smoked

