Smoked chicken, and why this message board is great



New member
I wanted to try a modified Adam Perry Lang recipe for chicken breasts & leg quarters, which called for temps of 300 for 90-120 minutes. Without this website, I would have shelved this recipe until spring (it's 15 outside) and the kettle grill.

Instead, with company coming over and having never tried it before, I decided to cook on my WSM @ 300. You guys said it could be done, so I loaded it up with alot of Comp K and left the vents open. It took a while and quite a bit of fuel, but it got to and surpassed 300 w/ no problems. The breasts got done a little quick, but I had brined so they turned out okay - company enjoyed them. The leg quarters, especially after 30 minutes in the smoker w/ sauce on them, turned out fantastic. I have a handful of books on grilling that help with recipes, but this forum really provides some helpful tips and some confidence that I can pull it off. So, thanks everyone!
Bryan,I've had my WSM for going on three years and still ask questions! It's great getting quick feedback and suggestions. While cookbooks are great,they only have one persons point of view. Here,you've got HUNDREDS! And,from all over the world.
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