Smelly Butts


Mike M.

TVWBB Member
Has any one had a problem with off smelling butts from Sam`s. I got two packs for this past weekend smoke, both dated sell by 5/12. One pack just smelled off. Not slimmy, not discolored it just didn`t smell right. I smoked it any way on bottom rack but threw it away because it still didn`t smell right after smoking 25 hrs. I did learn after the fact that they would have taken it back.
Your observation is not unheard of. That sometimes occurs with cryovac-ed meat-- kind of a sulfurous smell, but not really rotten. If I encounter it, I rinse the meat well under cold running water, pat dry, and then leave the kitchen for a few minutes. I assess the smell again upon return, in case some desensitization may have occurred as a result of smelling repeatedly right out of the bag.
I understand leaving the room because the smell does kinda of stick in your nose. With them still smelling off after the cook would you have assumed them to be bad. The top two turned out great. Thanks
If I thought they still smelled bad after the rinsing, I wouldn't even cook them at all. Don't ever feel bad about taking bad product back to a supermarket or even Sam's-- I've seen things returned and refunded you wouldn't believe.

It's not too late if you still have the receipt. I had the same issue with BB ribs once. I took the receipt to Sams and was refunded my money. The guy told if it ever happened again to please bring the label from the cryo pack and receipt. So, if you have the receipt and/or label, you should be able to get your refund.

Bob W.
I ran into that with some ribs last year. I bought a case from sams. I had read about this smell before but didn't know if that was the problem. Anyhow the smell disapated and all went well after that. I did end up throwing one cryovac away in a hasty move and ended up thinking it was a waste because they all smelled good later on.

One thing about it if they smelled foul after cooking I wouldn't eat it either.

Oh isn't your title an oxymoron?

