Smaller charcoal ring


John Ford

I don't like reusing charcoal, in the south it's so humid it tends to get damp.
I made a 12 in charcoal ring ( WSM is 14) it'll hold about 30% less & still be packed.
Easy project, had leftover expanded metal, cut to 5 in height,wired with bailing wire , only took 1 beer
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I think if you use the same material and then hook the tag ends of the metal to that they lock into the openings, you can have it adjustable. Make it tight or open it up for a larger, more conventional use.

Or you can do that until you determine which size is best for your use.

You can also create funnel cone shapes (tight at the bottom, wide at the top) to see if you can find better drafting improvemnts.

Just a thought.
Looks great! Thanks for the idea.

Where do you get expanded metal? My nearest Lowes and Home Depot does not carry it. Also bailing wire, can I find that at the aforementioned stores? Is that wire high heat resistant?

Thanks in advance.
Ace Hardware and related type stores should have it. Also, if there's a small metal/welder shop near you, they may have some or order any kind you like.
Thanks guys, I just purchased a used 18.5" WSM, so I'll just use that charcoal basket on both units when needed.
I made a smaller basket for mine as well.I am fortunate enough to work in a fab shop at my compamany and sometimes can get small things made.This is 4 plates 12x6 that slip together to make a box.


Originally posted by Don Reed:
I made a smaller basket for mine as well.I am fortunate enough to work in a fab shop at my compamany and sometimes can get small things made.This is 4 plates 12x6 that slip together to make a box.

Very nice! Simple, solid, easy to store when not in use - a great idea.
Expanded metal is great! I used it to make a charcoal basket for my 26.75" kettle. I think I'm going to have to make one for my 18.5" WSM too.
I would like to make the ring out of expanded metal. Lowe's has a 12 x 24 sheet for $9.90. It is 18 gauge....will that guage work ok?
Originally posted by Bob LeFever:
I would like to make the ring out of expanded metal. Lowe's has a 12 x 24 sheet for $9.90. It is 18 gauge....will that guage work ok?

18 ga is a little light in my opinion, and I'd skip the big box stores. Talk to some folks in your area that might know where a fabrication shop or something is. 'Round here, the best deal I've found is Metal Supermarket, if I remember the name right. Their prices are pretty good, but it's especially cheap if they have it in what they call "drops", or leftover scrap pieces that are big enough to suit you. You might have something similiar near you, or you might call a local welder and ask where he suggests.

