Small Boston Butt


Robert McGee

TVWBB Gold Member
I had not yet done pulled pork on my Weber OTG. My wife found a small Boston Butt (about three lbs) on sale at the local market. There are just the two of us at home, so she thought it might be a good time for a "trial effort" without risking an expensive piece of meat (oh yea, of little faith

At any rate, I looked at Cook's Country Grilling book and decided to smoke it for a couple of hours in my OTG and then do as they suggest and finish in the oven. We picked Lexington N.C. Style of barbecue (vinegar based sauce).

I set up my grill as normal for indirect with two fire bricks and a chimney half full of new Stubbs with an equal amount of "saved from another cook" Kingsford. I thought I might as well finish the used since I was only going to be smoking for a couple of hours.

Well, I followed the directions and pulled the butt from the grill when internal temperature reached 160 degrees. We put the butt into a small roaster and put in a pre-heated oven for and add'l 1½ hours covered. I checked the internal temperature and it was just over 205 degrees. I used a fork to check the tenderness and it was perfect!

We rested the butt for thirty minutes tightly covered in the roasting pan, let it cool a bit and pulled it. It is only WONDERFUL! Succulent, moist, and supremely tasty!

It appears you can, if you modify the cooking times regarding size, get as good a result with a small butt as you can with a large one.

Notice how small this Boston Butt is:

160 degrees internal - Getting ready to move to the kitchen oven:

Pulling the pork:

Frankly, since I had the Maverick hooked up with the grill, I could monitor temps the whole cook. I could have just as easily foiled and finished in the grill for the second half of the cook.

Cook's directions WERE quite helpful and the results are NOT to be denied.

I shall be thinking of all of you while we are having supper.

Thanks, good people!

The eating was even better than I anticipated. My wife had baked beans and potato salad with a very nice cole slaw that we applied to the top of the pulled pork sandwich.

Some further details on the cook. As you can see I used my regular indirect set up. The temperature got a bit ahead of me to start - it got as high as 337 degrees (at the grill) before I closed the top vent to 50% and the bottom vent down to 1/8th. Then the temp slowly went down to my target temp of 300 degrees and held there steadily until I shut her down. I used two or three chunks of Hickory for smoke.

The oven was pre-heated to 325 degrees. Next cook, I will transfer the butt to a throw-away pan, tightly foiled at internal temperature of 160 degrees but will leave on the grill to finish. Since I can control the temperature, I don't see that the oven is necessary. Either way, it leads to an excellent plate of pulled pork.

I went with the Lexington, N.C. style but you can, of course, have any style of sauce that "rings your bell". I will say this, Lexington N.C. is a DANDY choice!!


