slim cut spare ribs

Hmmm, I will assume after looking at the add that they meant St. Louis cut. Other than that, I have never heard of a 'slim cut'.
I was thinking either bone in or boneless country style ribs. The picture is kind of hard to tell but that would be my guess.
I can't tell from the picture as my sight isn't what it used to be, but the bone in shoulder cut country style ribs at $1.69 look like a pretty good deal. Heck, they might even be fresh.
Slim Cut spare ribs result in two racks from one slab. The butcher, instead of trimming to St Louis, uses the band saw to cut the slab length-wise into two racks. One rack is approx 2/3s the width of a traditional St Louis rack, and the other rack has the other 1/3 plus the part you would normally discard when trimming for St Louis style.
...i.e. 2 slim racks
Thanks Rondo... I bought a few pounds to try and I only wish it was what you described. I'm sure different places cuts them differently.

My slim racks were the St Louis discards and about an inch of the actual rib. It was a cheap experiment but I don't think I would try them again.

