Sleeping in the Tub


John Ford

Honesty is not always the best policy :(
I've been looking on Craig's list for a used inexpensive gas grill to replace our burned out one at hunting camp. Looking in the sub $100 range.
Well I found a Weber S-330 in excellent shape for $350 !
Plan B, I'll move my 10 year old Vermont Castings to hunt camp & keep the. Genesis at home!
I was so proud I told my wife about my wonderful plan this morning ::)
Oh No :o She didn't understand me buying a replacement grill just because my good gasser only has a year or two of life left :confused:
Well Lucy loves sleeping in the tub during the summer , it's much cooler than the floor.......I'll let you know how I like it.
Well I bet it will still be easier to ask for forgiveness then it would have been to ask for permission ;)
Sure looks pretty on my deck!

Snagging a S330 for that you should go to confession and say 6 our fathers, 20 hail mary's and do an act of contrition
Been there done that... many times more then once. Cook up something real good on that 330 and you'll be moving toward forgiveness.

