Slap Yo Daddy Ribs


Andy Kay

TVWBB Member
Just got finished cooking the spare ribs using Harrys" recipe.

Without a doubt the best ribs I have ever tasted.

Only change was, I did not spritz and added extra apple juice when I put the ribs in foil for the last hour and a half.

It's a great technique, but I'd suggest being careful with extra AJ in the foil since it's easier to end up with mushy ribs and washed out flavor. Cook to tender but don't overcook and they'll be plenty moist.
X2 what Dave says.

It's a good trick and can produce some truly tender ribs with beautiful pullback. However, you need to practice it several times to get your timing figured out. The window of oppourtunity is very small and you can go from perfect to mush very quickly.


