Skin on, or trim?



TVWBB Super Fan
I have searched here, but have not found exactly what I am looking for as an answer.

I picked up two picnic shoulders last night from local meat shop. Great price too!! $ 1.29/lb. One at around 7 lb and one just around the 8 lb mark. Doing a big cook this weekend for a larger group of people, along with some chicken on the grill.

Any way, these came with skin on. Doing pulled pork, so I figure I should trim the skin off and get rub all over it. But I guess the question is, what is all your experience when doing these with the skin on? Does the PP still come out OK with only the rest of the butt rubbed, or should I trim and get the whole thing covered up? I know I could use the skin to make some cracklins, but not sure anyone will even eat those........

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

I always remove the skin on the picnic shoulders. I just want to get a nice bark all around. Lets us know how it goes....

Or do one of each and tells us which do you prefer and why?
Skin off, and go easy with any salt. In my experience they will have more of a ham taste if you get too much salt on them
Any time I have done a picnic I have left the skin on. Nobody ever complained there wasn't enough bark.

