Skin on Chicken breast not smokey?



New member

Two weekends in a row I've smoked some skin on breast(with rib) in my wsm with apple wood and hickory. All of the meat has turned out amazingly moist and delicious but I can barely taste smokey flavor at all. I smoked at about 275 for a few hours with a two small chunks of apple wood(half of a fist size each) and 4 or 5 hickory chips(small). Am I just not using enough wood? Or do I need to turn the chicken breast side down? Thanks for your opinions!

Its not unusual for the food to not taste smokey to the one that has been hanging around the smoker. Your senses get swamped with smoke partcles and the food doesn't taste smokey. Others that eat the food will taste the smoke and if you eat the food the next day it will taste smokey to you.

Seth, You're getting some great advice, I would also add to change up the smoke-wood Some (like me) find Apple as too mild, I like Cherry and absolutely love Alder on poultry.

I too find apple to be too mild. Pecan is my favorite for chicken. Cherry is good, and so is mesquite, just be careful not to use too much.

