Six butt cook - advice?


Don R

New member
I'm planning to cook six butts tonight for a 4th of July party. They are about 6.5 pounds each so I'm looking at about 40 pounds total. I'm thinking I'll smoke overnight, pull them all Sunday and reheat for lunch Monday. I've done single butts a couple of times with good results, but never multiple butts or nearly this much total weight. Any particular suggestions for me?
Not too much different from a single or double butt overnight cook. Plan on an extended cook, perhaps 22 or so hours. It will take a long time for the pit temp to get in range because of the large mass of fresh meat. I would think they'll fit but be a little snug - shouldn't be a problem.

I would use water not sand because of the loaded lower rack. I wouldn't remove the lid for spraying for at least 6 hours. The poor little WSM will be giving it everything it has to get the temp up without you letting any out.

Have a great cook and btw, welcome to the board !

They should all fit, I've done 5 at a time. They ran 7 to 8 pounds each. I switched the butts at the half way mark, moved the ones from the bottom to the top. Sharing the love of dripping pork fat. Try to keep the butts from touching one another. Good luck.
Thanks for the tips. Since I've always done singles I've not actually used my lower rack before. What's the best way to swap these bad boys, just get a few cookie sheets so I can lay them out? And to baste the bottom do I just pull the whole top rack off?
I would not bother to baste.

Make sure your charcoal ring is FULL. You may have a 20-22 hour cook. If you need to ad coals, do so before running too low. Just pull the coals to the side and add unlit coals in the void. They will light minion style.
Don -- I regularly do 4 butts (Guru) using foil only in the pan. I have never swapped the butts and never worried about a bottom butt being 205 and a top one being 195. It all pulled, chopped and ate GREAT. (I will admit to being a Philistine, but I could not tell the difference.)

With the Guru's probes and the NuTemp probes for remote monitoring, it would be difficult to switch the butts, not to mention the loss of temp control when you open the pit for that long.

on edit: Just saw Steve's words of wisdom while I was composing. Steve is absolutely right. Make sure that you keep enough fire in the WSM

