Simple burgers and taters


M. Rollins

TVWBB Super Fan
Hello all. I picked up some Trader Joe's hardwood briquettes today. I've been wanting to try them, so I picked up a bag today to check them out. Nothing fancy….


Dusted with some Weber Gourmet Burger rub. The one that's partially covered is a half-pounder :D


Some sliced Yukon golds with some Island Seasoning and butter


Taters getting a head start


The patties were next


This was mine! It was put together with a slice of provolone cheese, some Jack Daniels sauce, lettuce, dill pickles, and tomato. The Yukons were drizzled with some Hot and Spicy ketchup. And a little TJ's corn to finish the plate.

It wasn't much of a test, but I really liked the hardwood briquettes. They burned hot and clean. I'm gonna pick up some more for sure! Have a great week everyone.

Thanks for the info on the hardwood as well. I was looking at it yesterday and was wondering how it burned.
Nice looking cook.
hellova balancing act with that Burger Mike! Looks GREAT! I'll Have TWO to go please!


By the way, I have the exact same China you have;)
That cook looks absolutely amazing! For all the fancy pants burgers I try to make, I went back to the good ole basic the other night like you did. Used a 5 ounce ground chuck patty grilled with American cheese and all the basic toppings like you did, and I can honestly say that I think it was simply better. I even used a basic small hamburger bun from Walmart, which I haven't done in probably over a year. So damn good!

Another good thing is you don't lose one bit of beef flavor and you get to taste all that smokey goodness from a smaller bun and simple toppings. Thank you for posting these pictures up, makes me hungry for one tonight.

