Silver B Fire Box Bumps


Bobby Segars

TVWBB Super Fan

I recently completed a Silver B, but the front of the Fire Box has some raised bumps, could this the result of it getting too hot and if so is it ok to cook on it? I sanded and painted it and it appears to have no holes on the bumps.

Thanks Bobby
Can't really see anything in the picture. It could just be warped from high heat, but I haven't seen that as "bumps" before. Sure shhouldn't be a problem to cook on. You mean you painted the exterior and not the interior, right?
Can't really see anything in the picture. It could just be warped from high heat, but I haven't seen that as "bumps" before. Sure shhouldn't be a problem to cook on. You mean you painted the exterior and not the interior, right?

No not the interior. I have rehabbed several Webers before but I didn't notice the "bumps" until I started on the firebox. Here is a better picture.

I can’t say I know for sure, but it seems to me that what you are seeing is a paint issue and not an aluminum one. If so, it is only cosmetic and has no effect on your grilling. When fireboxes overheat, the ones I have seen warp or bulge in an area where maybe a grease fire burned too long. That firebox looks fine to me. The surface (presumably paint) is just bubbling off.
I can’t say I know for sure, but it seems to me that what you are seeing is a paint issue and not an aluminum one. If so, it is only cosmetic and has no effect on your grilling. When fireboxes overheat, the ones I have seen warp or bulge in an area where maybe a grease fire burned too long. That firebox looks fine to me. The surface (presumably paint) is just bubbling off.

Thanks Jon, I sent u a PM about the Skyline Lid.

I agree with Jon. That is a finish issue, not a structural issue. You should be able to sand that area and paint it again and completely resolve the problem.

Hope this helps,

I have redone quite a few genesis grills and I find that most of the cook boxes will have those "bumps" on the bottom of the outside of the grill. I think it is just a common defect of the casting process and get sanded off or otherwise removed on the upper portions and inside of the grills. On the outside, bottom, it really doesn't matter.

