Silver B bottom wire "shelf"



New member
A question for the experts out there…
Will the bottom wire shelf from a 2002 Silver Genesis B (part #60129 - made for the frame with only 2 bottom cross members) fit into the frame of a 2000 Silver Genesis B - that frame having cross members on all 4 sides? I appreciate your insight!
Should fit fine and I don't think the front and back cross members would be a problem. Even if they are, they should be able to be easily removed.

After checking some photos, it does look like the later bottom rook would not fit well with the older frame with front front and back cross members. However, you should be able to remove those cross members easily by removing the bolts on each end and then it should fit, just fine.
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Personally, I like the added strength the two bolted in crossmembers provide over the wire rack that acts as the crossmembers. Especially if you roll it around much.
I am sure it was a cost cutting move by weber.
Maybe true. I recall some one saying it was the stop watch assembly that simplified the lower cart assembly and had the upper frame pre assembled.

Personally I like the 2002 and newer style.
Maybe true. I recall some one saying it was the stop watch assembly that simplified the lower cart assembly and had the upper frame pre assembled.

Personally I like the 2002 and newer style.
The stop watch assembly frames are a big stability improvement over previous generations.

No drill holes in the lower legs is a big plus
What’s the stop watch term you’re referring to? a term based solely on the assembly line time I assume?

from weber's gas grill evolution page ( link below )

2002-2005, we came out with our StopWatch Engineering Genesis Silver, Gold and Platinum models. These grills could be assembled start to finish in 10 minutes……..and we had the videos to prove it! Very simple designs, easy for consumers! The Summit models changed to Silver, Gold and Platinum versions, mostly assembled on delivery. These models had lots of stainless steel (lids, cabinets) - some models with stainless tables, while others had thermoset.

from here:

Ni had never seen that write up. I’d like to see the 10 minute assembly videos. That would be neat to watch! I’m more curious as to how they were shipped/boxed. Every set of Weber directions I’ve looked at looks very clear and well presented.
Should fit fine and I don't think the front and back cross members would be a problem. Even if they are, they should be able to be easily removed.

After checking some photos, it does look like the later bottom rook would not fit well with the older frame with front front and back cross members. However, you should be able to remove those cross members easily by removing the bolts on each end and then it should fit, just fine.
Thanks Bruce for the input. I don’t have the 2 grills in the same location and am trying to figure out if I can cobble parts from the 2 different models together. TVWBB is so helpful for us amateurs who still love the older Webers!
Thanks Bruce for the input. I don’t have the 2 grills in the same location and am trying to figure out if I can cobble parts from the 2 different models together. TVWBB is so helpful for us amateurs who still love the older Webers!
Here is a thread where I combined the best parts of a 2000 and a 2002.

It might give you some ideas.


