Silver/1000 cook space question



TVWBB Honor Circle
As I casually look at older Silver and/or 1000 series grills for sale do they share a similar cooking space? I ask simply out of interest in cooking real estate, not for part swaps. A few months ago I purchased a Genesis Silver A Skyline for $10 and, using that for comparison purposes, I am curious about other series' sizes. Simply put, without searching for an older Summit do these share a similar size? thx!
The Silver is basically a “refreshing” of the earlier 1000 series. The three burner box is a little different because they went to just a single row of flavorizer bars, but the grates are still the same size. I believe the Silver A 2-burner is also the same as the previous Genesis 2-burner in terms of grate size, and in this case I believe the burners and flavorizer bars are all interchangeable because the Genesis 2 burner (after the failed Jr.) all had just one row of flavorizer bars.
Yah the silver B three burner and Genesis 1000 grill both use the same cook grates, so they must be the exact same grilling area. The genesis 1000 series does have a significantly deeper cook box and two rows of flavorizer bars instead of one. They tend to have more even heating that way. But, otherwise, they are virtually the same.
They are even the same size as an older Summit 400 series. Which is why I have decided to stop fighting cookbox rust out and go back to a Genesis

