Side burner hose for Genesis 3000


Scott Hash

New member
Hello, I am a long time lurker, first time poster. I recently got a Genesis 3000 off CL for $30. The gas line for the side burner is cut, and needs to be replaced. Any ideas where I can find this? I have looked up the model# and the serial# both turn up no results. the model# is 430000 serial# is L3 75126. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Funny enough I just registered here to try and find out how to hook up my unconnected side burner on the exact same model :redgenesis1:. There are a few posts of people connecting side burners to genesis models that did not originally have it. I sent them private messages hoping they would be able to point me in the right direction towards getting it hooked up. I'll let you know if and when I hear back from them. Weber's 800 number wasn't able to give me much information on my grill, and their website doesn't recognize the L3 starting serials that we both have. I did manage to find this video where they described hooking in a generic replacement line and then using a dual line regulator. I'm going to save this as a last resort if I can't find a simpler solution but it might be worth taking a look at in your situation. My grill has a square black plug where the side burner is supposed to be attached. I'm not sure where the valve attachment is, or if there ever was one with the grill. Good luck. Let me know how you make out as I may need to go your route as well.
If anyone could post some pics of your regulator/hose assembly, manifold and under side of your side burner, it would be helpful.
I just finished disassembling my newly acquired Genesis 2000LX with a side burner, I'll be sure to post pictures of the disassembled parts soon, then hopefully follow up with some of the burner fully assembled in a few days.
I just finished disassembling my newly acquired Genesis 2000LX with a side burner, I'll be sure to post pictures of the disassembled parts soon, then hopefully follow up with some of the burner fully assembled in a few days.

Mike, If you have a side burner it should be a 3000LX. The 2000LX has a shelf like the one on the left instead of the side burner. I picked up a 3000LX and converted my 1999 1000LX to a 2000LX, didn't want the side burner rather have the shelf space.
Yeah, thanks Rich, it is a 2000LX according to Weber and the S/N. Perhaps I got lucky, my grill came with a side burner and all stainless internals, regardless, here is how my side burner is hooked up. The accessory burner hose has a threaded brass connector which screws directly into the burner manifold. The parts are still dirty, but I hope you get the idea. :D




That's where it goes alright, but I see something that you're going to have to change. Your regulator is the old style quick connect, you will need to change that to the new style that fits the OPD type tanks.
You can't buy or get the old style tanks refilled it's illegal. Weber has what you need a new regulator with the hose for a little over $20.
As far as your model the owner or the store where it was sold added the side burner, not an uncommon thing. Even my 1000LX had the opening plugged so the manifolds are the same all they had to do was unscrew the plug and add the hose.
Post some pics when you get it done.
That's where it goes alright, but I see something that you're going to have to change. Your regulator is the old style quick connect, you will need to change that to the new style that fits the OPD type tanks.
You can't buy or get the old style tanks refilled it's illegal. Weber has what you need a new regulator with the hose for a little over $20.
As far as your model the owner or the store where it was sold added the side burner, not an uncommon thing. Even my 1000LX had the opening plugged so the manifolds are the same all they had to do was unscrew the plug and add the hose.
Post some pics when you get it done.

Hahaha! Funny you should mention that Rich, fortunately or unfortunately, however you look at it, I got two full LP tanks with the quick disconnect when I bought the grill. My plan is to use up those tanks before switching to the new regulator. I did some research after buying the grill and it looks like the industry made the switch due to possible safety concerns. Should be an easy fix when I get there. Thanks for the info!
Does anyone know if it is possible to buy that threaded brass connector from Weber, or what I should look for online to track down a used one?
Does anyone know if it is possible to buy that threaded brass connector from Weber, or what I should look for online to track down a used one?

Thomas I contacted Weber about that and was told they won't sell it. Sooooooooooo I bought two locally. It's a 1/8" NPT street ell. PM me your address and I'll send you one.
Thomas I contacted Weber about that and was told they won't sell it. Sooooooooooo I bought two locally. It's a 1/8" NPT street ell. PM me your address and I'll send you one.

Duh! Sorry Thomas, I thought you were referring to the brass ell that goes into the manifold.

