Side burner compatibility between Silver 3 and 2000


Andrew in NJ

New member
Hi, I’m looking at Frankensteining a super clean genesis 2000 ($125) with a silver 3 ($60)

I want to take the hood (green) and the side burner from the silver 3 and put on the 2000.

Any reason this wouldn’t work? I’m pretty sure the hood is no issue, but Are the frames the same width?
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both of them went the first day! I couldn’t get them in time, but still curious if its an option for a future build
The lid will fit both models as long as you use the lid side panels that come on it. They are different heights.
The Side Burner is also interchangeable between models.

I picked up a Weber C a couple years ago and split the cost with a coworker, I got the side burner, he got the rest of the grill.
I put it on my never to be completed 5000 for a bit and then gave it back to year a year later.

Ok, so I bought the genesis 2000! But I have a bit of an issue, the legs were actually bent in a bit and the bottom trays were overlapping a bit like there wasn’t enough space...

I think someone must have swapped the lower crossbars with one from a silver C, which frame is an inch shorther (read this in a thread bruce posted this measurement in, thanks!)

I measured the crossbar against the top of the frame, but just to be sure I was wondering if someone could measure the lower crossbar of their genesis 2000-5000?

Im thinking of cutting a spacer from the crossbar of a donor grill, JB weld it,Sand it down and then use an extra long bolt to grab the threads.

anyone have a better idea?
I have a 3000 sitting in my driveway. Tell me exactly what you want me to measure and I will. Did you want the length of the bottom cross members or the distance between them right to left.
The length of the removable cross member. Mine is 34 inches but I think it should be closer to 35. Looking for an exact number so I can make sure this guy is straight and rigid.

Thank you Bruce!
So I went a different route and bought a 6ft long piece of 1inch square tubing. I had some extra threaded inserts so it made more sense. Just more expensive. I’ll post some pics later
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