Shredding pulled pork

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I've never been to one either, but you'd better check your dates. I think they set-up (day) and begin cooking Friday (night) and the hand-in/judging is Saturday with move out Sunday. At least that's what the schedule looks like. If you hear anything otherwise, please post it.

I'm going to try to go Saturday with my son, but I have a brother in town from Denver and am not sure I can get away to make it. But I want to go just to smell the thing!
The following is from Ray, who is the coordinator of the event....

"Hi Mr. Mordechai
You can come and observe what is happening on Friday. Lot of teams start the meat preparation and cooking on Friday. Hope to see you.

So looks like ill go up around noon time to check it out....
take care
I just tough it out and pick that bad boy up in my hands and tear the hell out of it...all the while packing my face. By the time I put the pork on the table Im stuffed...LOL
I just use regular jersey gloves and slip on some food prep gloves over those. Works really fast, and you can still feel the meat/fat without getting burned. Plus it's dirt cheap.
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