Shredding pulled pork

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I was watching the Food channel last nite, watching the Las Vegas Chili and BBQ cookoffs. One of the teams was using some kind of shredding tool to tear up the pork after it was done. They had one in each hand and tore the meat up pretty fast. Did anyone else see it and can anyone tell me where I can find such a tool. I looked on a couple of web sites for cooking tools but couldn't find anything that looked like it.

first of all.. yes i saw that show.....second of all did you konw it was the mother and daughter team and THEY WERE USING A WSM....and THEY CAME IN I BELIEVE EITHER FIRST OF SECOND IN BRISKET......yum tis true....and ya that was the first time i saw that contraption.....
it looked like a big comb with handles....
sorry couldnt help but awsome show!!! and also there was a guy from.....(something,i cant remember) Poohbahs who was also using a wsm as well.....
take care
I didnt see it but that is interesting. It only takes me about 5 minutes with a fork and my fingers to tear a butt up, but any tool that makes a job easier has to be looked at.
Cooking that butt to a temp of 195-200 makes an easy job of it though.
Im gonna have to fire the WSM up this weekend. Just have to!
Before I saw the picture, all I could think of in my mind was some small version of this .

I suppose it would work...
Tony, you're too much

I just use 2 dinner forks ~ Can get thru a butt in just a few minutes
I was at a competition a few weeks ago getting mentored, and the head cook used two turkey holders (looked like mini pitch forks) to do the pulling. We smoked about 10 butts so it worked quickly for that amount of meat. Then used the fingers for smaller pieces for a presentation box.
I like the textured takes me more like 45 minutes to do a butt, but this way I can be as picky as I like with any fat, membranes, veins and other nasties.

I just gotta know: How do you do those graemlins?

Never mind ~ Just figured it out.

The team in question was Mad Momma and the Kid from Olympia WA. Two very well know cooks nationaly, I do get the privledge of cooking against them regularly, best be putting up your "A" game.
yes that was the team...they are very entertaning to watch...the "kid" is very funny...has a really cool sense of humor...they were cooking with three was really cool seeing the WSM being used up against the OTHER smokers....and actually winning.....
thanks Jim.....
hope to see you at a compitition one day....(if its close to queens )
oh im going to LA on wed however the compittions there are 6 hours away..dont look like im going to be able to make it...
i checked that site before..mmmm.. guess i overlooked that one...but yes i just mapquested it and its about 40 min away from i think ill go check it out...i wont be able to attend on saturday because its my you know what time folks start showing up on fri...never been to one of looks like maybe i might go with the kids on sunday..looks like theres plenty of things to do there....mmm.......maybe tom ill email the coordinators cuz i cant seem to figure out from the site what time peeps would start showing up on fri...ect....thanks for the info though
excited to check it out...thanks
keep smilin
Sounds like Mords might go to a comp this weekend...Two things to take ~ Laptop (or other note writing material) and camera (preferably digital). And we want a detailed report when you get to a computer

Have fun in L.A.
i just emailed the coordinator and hopefully hell give me some times for fri.....oooh this is wife already said shes one board and my dad wants to come as well....and yes...digi camera forsure bringing..laptop....prob not....i already broke one of mine from shleppin it around.....but ya im ecxited already....
i have never been to one...the closest i have ever come to attending one is through the

take care ttyl
im going out for a few hours now.. ttygl
Thanks for the links to the bear claws. I will be ordering some. Appreciate all the info off this site. This just gives me another reason to smoke some more butts.

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