G'day (again)
When my 18.5" WSM arrived from the US a few weeks ago I lurked on the forums here for a couple of days, shaking my head at the archived posts from hopeless newbs who left it all the last minute. Not me. No sir. I'd have it all sorted out weeks ahead of schedule.
So it's with grim amusement that I find myself 24 hours out from lighting up with:
- two gigantic butts, each around 10 lbs
- one WSM, still in its box
- no rub
- no smoke wood
- no charcoal
- no thermometer
- boundless, clueless optimism that it'll all turn out in the end.
My plan:
- head across town first thing in the morning to pick up fuel, wood, remote thermometer, rub, sauce and slaw ingredients
- come home, rub the butts around 10-11am, wrap 'em in foil and forget about them
- fire up the WSM around 10 that night, load up the butts and let it run overnight
- whenever they reach 190oF on Sunday, wrap 'em and let 'em sit in an esky (sorry, cooler) for a couple of hours
- pull 'em and eat 'em
- freeze the enormous pile of leftovers, because there's probably only going to be a few of us
- feel pretty bloody smug about pulling all that off.
(Feel free to butt in any time.)
My stupid newb questions:
The butts
Aussie butchers don't have the faintest idea what these are, so after much 'here's a picture, and here's a cutting chart' and waiting for it all to sink in I've wound up with two 'square cut forequarters'. They look near enough to the real deal. Skin on and bone in, they clock in around 4.6kg / 10 lb 2 oz each - I figure 8-9 lbs each with the skin off and a little trimming.
Stupid question 1: should I cut these in half and treat them as four butts, two to a rack? Leave them whole, both on the top rack? Whole, one per rack? Assume they go in after 10pm Saturday night, and I'd like to eat around 5-6pm on Sunday evening.
Stupid question 2: am I insane for doing 20lb for a first cook? Should I just throw one of the butts into the freezer for later? Complicating factor - fuel costs a fortune here (think a buck a pound for charcoal briquettes, $25 for a bag of hickory chunks), and the butts were a cool $100. While I'm looking to maybe minimise my total costs by doing a big cook in one go, I'd rather have a quality product - if that means two cooks rather than freezing / reheating leftovers, so be it.
The rub
SQ#3: Recs for a rub? Mr Brown looks a bit on the peppery side for me - I mean, I like it, but all the 'you really, really have to love pepper' comments have me a bit wary. There'll be kids and the in-laws who don't do hot, so I guess I'm looking for something a little on the sweet and mild side - some heat and spice is fine, but not a lot. The wife and I will just add our own hot sauce to the sandwiches.
An hour per lb, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.5 if it's over 5lbs, or 7lbs, or Mercury is in Scorpio - is it any wonder I'm confused? If I run with 1.5 hrs per lb and 2 x 9 lb butts as a worst case scenario, I'm looking at about 14 hours to cook, a couple of hours to rest, right? One butt, two butts, same time, give or take a little? (Let's call all that Stupid Question No. 4.)
Appreciate any advice you can provide about building a Minion fire to go with your recs about butt numbers. Otherwise I'll just go with this. For smoke I have hickory, hickory or hickory. Three chunks so I don't over do it? Dare I ask water or none?
Well, I know Americans are renowned for their generosity (one of you married my Mum, after all) but I figure making you read all that and asking five, multipart questions to boot is probably stretching things, so I'll go back to watching Chris on YouTube.
Thanks in advance!
When my 18.5" WSM arrived from the US a few weeks ago I lurked on the forums here for a couple of days, shaking my head at the archived posts from hopeless newbs who left it all the last minute. Not me. No sir. I'd have it all sorted out weeks ahead of schedule.
So it's with grim amusement that I find myself 24 hours out from lighting up with:
- two gigantic butts, each around 10 lbs
- one WSM, still in its box
- no rub
- no smoke wood
- no charcoal
- no thermometer
- boundless, clueless optimism that it'll all turn out in the end.
My plan:
- head across town first thing in the morning to pick up fuel, wood, remote thermometer, rub, sauce and slaw ingredients
- come home, rub the butts around 10-11am, wrap 'em in foil and forget about them
- fire up the WSM around 10 that night, load up the butts and let it run overnight
- whenever they reach 190oF on Sunday, wrap 'em and let 'em sit in an esky (sorry, cooler) for a couple of hours
- pull 'em and eat 'em
- freeze the enormous pile of leftovers, because there's probably only going to be a few of us
- feel pretty bloody smug about pulling all that off.
(Feel free to butt in any time.)
My stupid newb questions:
The butts
Aussie butchers don't have the faintest idea what these are, so after much 'here's a picture, and here's a cutting chart' and waiting for it all to sink in I've wound up with two 'square cut forequarters'. They look near enough to the real deal. Skin on and bone in, they clock in around 4.6kg / 10 lb 2 oz each - I figure 8-9 lbs each with the skin off and a little trimming.
Stupid question 1: should I cut these in half and treat them as four butts, two to a rack? Leave them whole, both on the top rack? Whole, one per rack? Assume they go in after 10pm Saturday night, and I'd like to eat around 5-6pm on Sunday evening.
Stupid question 2: am I insane for doing 20lb for a first cook? Should I just throw one of the butts into the freezer for later? Complicating factor - fuel costs a fortune here (think a buck a pound for charcoal briquettes, $25 for a bag of hickory chunks), and the butts were a cool $100. While I'm looking to maybe minimise my total costs by doing a big cook in one go, I'd rather have a quality product - if that means two cooks rather than freezing / reheating leftovers, so be it.
The rub
SQ#3: Recs for a rub? Mr Brown looks a bit on the peppery side for me - I mean, I like it, but all the 'you really, really have to love pepper' comments have me a bit wary. There'll be kids and the in-laws who don't do hot, so I guess I'm looking for something a little on the sweet and mild side - some heat and spice is fine, but not a lot. The wife and I will just add our own hot sauce to the sandwiches.
An hour per lb, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.5 if it's over 5lbs, or 7lbs, or Mercury is in Scorpio - is it any wonder I'm confused? If I run with 1.5 hrs per lb and 2 x 9 lb butts as a worst case scenario, I'm looking at about 14 hours to cook, a couple of hours to rest, right? One butt, two butts, same time, give or take a little? (Let's call all that Stupid Question No. 4.)
Appreciate any advice you can provide about building a Minion fire to go with your recs about butt numbers. Otherwise I'll just go with this. For smoke I have hickory, hickory or hickory. Three chunks so I don't over do it? Dare I ask water or none?
Well, I know Americans are renowned for their generosity (one of you married my Mum, after all) but I figure making you read all that and asking five, multipart questions to boot is probably stretching things, so I'll go back to watching Chris on YouTube.
Thanks in advance!