She Said Yes!

Only asking because he was the one who approached me with offer to buy. And yeah he's a good guy. Young guy. Kinda guy I wish youngest daughter (one with the kids) would have hooked up with rather than the bum baby daddies she did. Although I gotta say the first one turned out to be a good guy. And I actually enjoy visiting with him. This second one? MEH.
Anyway re the neighbor, we are good pals even though I am older than his dad LOL. Wife baby sits his dog, we watch each others homes I get his packages for him, pull in his garbage cans and so on when he needs. So yeah, not looking to necessarily "profit" from him. It's simply that he asked. But if I was gonna go "free" I think my FSIL (favorite son in law) would get the nod. The one who has my original Genesis.
Stay tuned to this space for more of the "journey" with the new Z.
So I took the upper box off the newest Z Grill. Wonder of wonders it's not "buckled" underneath. It seems overall in good shape. The lid hinges are not bent (like the last one) either. So oddly even though this one's box appeared to have taken a heavier beating the grill itself appears pretty decent.
Except I noticed one thing on the lid. The whole grill is double walled. On the lower part of the body you can actually unscrew the inner parts. Not so on the lid. The inner shell is riveted to the outer shell. So when I lifted the lid I heard something rattle inside. Come to find a carriage bolt that holds on the stainless steel strips on both sides of the hood, had come undone. Nut is inside the lid, Blake found the carriage screw. Anyway as promised plenty of photos


Well good news. I was able to fix the lid. Rest looks fine. While at it I did some St Louis spares on the working ZGrill and a strip steak. Surprise surprise little Lily was chowing down on the spares. She ate 2 bones! What a surprise!
Anyway despite some issues I think this latest one will end up a keeper

