Sharing WSM space with others?

During my butt session last weekend, my neighbor from across the street mentioned that he could smell it over at his place and asked what was on for dinner. I told him it was a BB and he started in about how his dad used to smoke them years ago...... you get the idea.

Long story short, he hinted at if there might be room for him to buy a BB, or ribs, or?? and pile in when I was going to do a smoke. I didn't really give an answer. He did offer to chip in on the CompK.

To be truly honest I really don't want to be responsible for something he throws in. I also don't want to be constantly badgered with when I'm going to do another session. Any ideas? Not sure he would go for buying his own WSM.

Reminds me of when I was first purchasing my WSM, a friend of mine wanted to pay for half of it. My response was, Ummm, no, go buy your own. It wasnt the nicest thing to do, but who wants some other guy breathin down your neck everytime you bbq. Sometimes you just have to say no
I would wait for him to bring it up again. It's not your responsibility to give him a shout when you're about to smoke anything. You can always say you didn't think of it.

The nice neighbour thing to do is to give him a "small" sample. That might be enough for him, but probably not.

Lastly, the easiest thing to remember is the truth. Tell him smoking is tough, requires a lot of monitoring, etc.
For me any of these type of situations boils down to how well you know/like this neighbour.

If it's someone you hang around with and/or feel comfortable around, then I would entertain the idea. Afterall it's not like you are going out of your way to cook something just special for him.

If it's someone you hardly know or don't really care for, then don't feel obligated. They will likely get the hint fairly fast after they smell the next few smokes and you haven't asked them.
If you do it one time, he's gonna be bringing meat over even during times you aren't planning on cooking or even worse, he's gonna ask to borrow your WSM!

I had a neighbor that did the exact same thing, she didn't eat 'meat', only fish. So everytime she'd smell something her and her husband would stand at the fence and talk about what's for dinner it smells good but I know I can't eat time she asked if I knew how to cook salmon, I said sure...I'm not kidding, 30 minutes later her husband was at my door, "Tracy said you offered to cook this for her" DOH!
I cooked it and the process continued......they finally moved.

Just say NO if you don't want to do it! I wish I had...
Saying "no" is not being mean. The smoker is yours,and if you let him use it,there could be "scheduling" conflict. Tell him to buy his own,but offer LOTS of advice and tips on using and mods.
Talk about chutzpah, wow. Next he'll want to toss some food in your oven so he won't get his dirty. In a rather neighborly but firm way, I'd just say no. I wouldn't be comfortable with that arrangement
Just get his email address then send him all the Craigslist and Ebay listings for WSM's and other smokers - maybe he'll clue in and get the idea: "Dear Neighbor - saw this on CL and remembered how fondly you recalled when your Dad used to smoke things - maybe you should pick this up and create your own memories....."

I would have to say "No". I'm good friends with my neighbors, especially the next door neighbors to the north, and I would turn them down flat if they asked something like this. Smoking is, to me, a very personal thing. I will typically smoke food for alot more people than just me and the missus, but I don't like people bothering me when I'm smoking.

When I'm preparing smoker, and when I'm out on my back porch checking temps or adding water of fuel or whatever, that's my alone time. I don't mind so much when I'm making rubs or prepping the meat. In fact, I don't mind at all if my wife helps with that, but she's learned to leave me alone when I'm outside dealing with the WSM.

I don't mind smoking for a large crowd. In fact, I rather enjoy doing that. But I don't like to be bothered during the process, and I think that is inevitable if you are sharing your smoker.

Of course, I think I'm a bit odd when it comes to my alone-time with my smoker. But I certainly would not want to share my smoker with anyone. Even doing that for family grates on my nerves, but I just shut up and get on with life when that happens. Family if family, after all.
i cook for our employees every year around 250 people lunch and dinner.

i have only cooked twice for people who asked me to do it. once was a disaster for me even tho it came out well i was treated more as hired help from someone who was only nice to me to get me to cook for their party.

the second time was years later after i got my WSM. my next door neighbor's daughter was graduating high school and i offered to cook some briskets for her graduation party. my next door neighbor does not bother me to cook them BBQ but i bring over tasty plates now and then loaded with bbq.

it just depends on the folks involved. i would offer to teach him how to bbq and show him how easy it is and he may solve it himself. that is of course if you like him to begin with.

the one thing i wouldnt do however is cook a piece of meat someone brings over. if you cook something of unknown origins and that person gets sick you can be in serious waters there.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Scooter B:
For me any of these type of situations boils down to how well you know/like this neighbour.

If it's someone you hang around with and/or feel comfortable around, then I would entertain the idea. Afterall it's not like you are going out of your way to cook something just special for him.

If it's someone you hardly know or don't really care for, then don't feel obligated. They will likely get the hint fairly fast after they smell the next few smokes and you haven't asked them. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ditto what Scooter says!! Other option is, offer to do it for a "fee". Personally, I delight in seeing others enjoy my cooking and would have no problem if somebody asked me to do this.
I love sharing my food with others who appreciate good BBQ. I almost never cook just for me. Any time I fire up the smoker, there is something in there for a friend unless I just don't have room.

You just have to make it a "Don't call me, I'll call you" type of thing. My friends never pester me to cook something. I just let them know when I have something planned and I ask if they want something done. I usually buy the meat so I know what I'm working with and they just pay me back.
Agreed that it depends on how well you know, or want to know your neighbors. I personally enjoy when others are into BBQ and also usually cook for crowds.

I have a friend who lives within a mile and is always wanting me to cook, which I don't mind. Our deal is he buys the meat, I do the cookin. Of course I can so no at anytime. Up here in the Seattle area, I can usually just look forward to the good weathered days, which is summer, and it's almost here.

