Second Smoke: BRITU


Doug M

TVWBB Member
Four racks of pork loin back ribs trimmed, rubbed, and rested for 2 hours, then cooked over white oak and cherry for 4.5 hours. Brushed them with my first attempt at homemade sauce (No. 5) mixed 5:1 with honey (no pictures after they were sauced however, people were too hungry to wait).

Found the No. 5 sauce a little heavy on the Worcestershire, will adjust it next time.

Still new to smoking, but do they look burnt? They tasted great.

Great Lookin' Ribs Doug!
do they look burnt?
nope. that's the sugar (honey) that gives it the dark colour.


that's the sugar (honey) that gives it the dark colour.

The honey (mixed in with the sauce) was brushed on after I pulled them off the smoker so it was never exposed to any heat, but there was white & brown sugar in the rub - would this be the reason for the dark color?
Those look like more to me!!!!! Could be the wooster that is in the sauce but Jim is spot on about the sugar that is causing the darkness...but they look darn good!!
but there was white & brown sugar in the rub - would this be the reason for the dark color?
yes, Doug, that would be my guess. Any sugar will turn the meat dark in colour. Not that it's a bad thing. Some folks do not care for dark coloured meat.
Looks fine to me and if, like you say, "They tasted great", more power (and RIBS) to ya!
I noticed it more towards the narrow ends of the racks, thought it might have been hotter air coming up from around the sides of the water bowl. The thermometer kept a steady 225°, but I remember reading the stock thermometer can be off by as much as 75°? Maybe time for a remote probe model...
Excellent looking ribs Doug! I have tested my stock thermo with one in the top vent from tel-tru and they are pretty much exact on. Maybe a few degrees off when first firing it up, but when it settles in I don't notice any difference. I started to just monitor the top vent instead of the grate and the only time I use my ET-732 is for checking internal temp on pork butt and brisket.

