Seal on freezer bags opens while boiling


Jon Chappel

TVWBB Member
This has happened to me twice
The first time I cried a little, the second time I was able to keep myself composed.

They were zac sealed ribs that I put in boiling water to heat. I'm not sure if I am not getting a good seal, I'm boiling too long or what. Has anyone else experienced this? If so and you need to talk I'm here.
No need to boil them. Bring the water to a boil, put the bag in, cover the pot, shut off the burner. 15-20 min, done.

If vac sealing make a double seal.
It happened during my first duck confit heating. I learned my lesson, and I have tripple sealed since then.

The legs turned ut great even with the leak.
Double seal as others mention above. When I am reheating most items though I have not found it necessary at all to boil. Just bring up to temp. I typically use 140 for ribs and pulled pork.

I have boiled other things though in the vac sealed bags. I've never had a seal come loose. It's more a function of the hg (vacuum) capacity of the sealer and more likely the width of the seal itself. Most home grade sealers have a very narrow seal. The one I have is semi commercial and has a seal about 1/4" wide.

Multiple seals should solve your problem if you want to boil though IMHO. Try something you don't care about and do a test. That way you won't have to be concerned about ruining dinner
A double seal may help, but the most important thing is to keep the bag clean (on the inside) where the seal is going to be. I usually fold the bag over when I put the meat in it to keep it clean. I have also used a funnel (actually just some wax paper used as a wide mouth funnel) to keep the inside clean.

