Scrambled Egg with Hummus


Len Dennis

TVWBB Diamond Member
Weird you say? Let's call it "fusion eggs" :D

I can eat my Buffalo Blue Cheese Hummus by the spoonful. No veggies required (but I do). But I was thinking about lunch today and how could I incorporate my Sunday egg with my favourite hummus?

SO I improvised and came up with a winner.


- 1 egg
- 1tsp milk
- some butter to grease the pan
- 2 tbsp of Buffalo Blue Cheese Hummus

1) Whisk the egg and milk and put in buttered pan on med heat

2) Mix it up till about 3/4 cooked through (still a bit runny). I use a rubber spatula in my teflon pan. The butter adds a bit of fat and flavour.

3)dump in 2T of the hummus and continue stirring till well mixed to your liking . I did it just till it wasn't runny. Remember, the hummus needs no cooking so it's basically to warm it up and finish cooking the egg.

That's it. Adds just the right amount of spice heat and the flavour I crave. Hummus is never overpowering and it isn't here. It also gives you some fibre (which we all need more of).

Just something different to try.

Here's my hummus recipe
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I admit it is off the wall BUT I enjoy both. Now I don't have to waste time enjoying them separately ;)

I can see that. Growing up I was a VERY picky eater. Still am, but I've gotten better. In order to get me to choke down some things I had to mix them with mashed potatoes. I still do occasionally. I'll lay down a bed of taters and cover it with corn, peas or baked beans. I even have a couple of great grands doing it, as well as my spaghetti sandwiches. :)

