Saw a grey wolf today



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
So grandson and I were coming back from Culver's and on way back home we looked out in the field near my house and saw a beautiful grey wolf. Just out there hanging out. It was reddish brown/gray and looked exactly like the photo I have here. Amazing to see such a beautiful animal so close to our house
Are you sure it wasn't a husky on his way to DeKalb?;)

The DNR would like to hear from you:
Actually Brad the DNR has been reporting that we have known packs in Cherry Valley. Kinda makes me wonder if I should exercise my rights when I am out hiking and be sure to be armed just in case. I never do but seeing that creature made me think twice. Of course the mountain lion I saw a number of years ago on Furrow Ct would make you sit up and take notice as well :D
Actually Brad the DNR has been reporting that we have known packs in Cherry Valley. Kinda makes me wonder if I should exercise my rights when I am out hiking and be sure to be armed just in case. I never do but seeing that creature made me think twice. Of course the mountain lion I saw a number of years ago on Furrow Ct would make you sit up and take notice as well :D
Living here in MO, much of it out in the woods, I've never seen a wolf or mountain lion in the wild, but I'll never forget seeing signs at an Arizona state park outside of Tuscon that said "look out for promblem mountain lions". My wife and I cracked up, questioning how to tell the problem mountain lions from the nice ones? I figure any mountain lion I see while I'm out hiking is a potential problem mountain lion right? Or are things different near Tuscon? Are some of them wearing leather jackets, and dealing drugs? Are the nice ones sitting out on the benches doing needle point and sipping chardonnay?

