Sausages Galore


Stuart S

Now that the insane heat and humidity has finally broken here in Ottawa I decided to fire up the Performer and actually take some pics of the cook with my new iPad with the built in cameras. I have to say, the pics are pretty good and it's super easy to take them, upload to photo-bucket and post to TVWBB all on one device. 

Bacon & cheddar and Maple sausages ready to go on for an indirect apple wood smoke bath:

While they cooked I finished up the lights and netting on the gazebo from hell:

After direct treatment and before the corn went on:

Plated with green salad, potato salad, onion relish and corn covered in lime butter: 

This will be my last cook for a week since we're heading to Newfoundland for a week tomorrow. For those of you not familiar with the location, heres a map. 

We've got a 5 hour drive once we land in Deer Lake to get to our final destination where the pin is dropped. 

Have a good week everyone, I'll be thinking of you all when I eat fresh caught Cod, Scallops and Lobsters by the dozen this week!!!
Looks super!!! Nice cooking! Scallops and oysters sound real good! We use cod for bait around these parts!!

Love the gazebo!!!
Thanks everyone! I just snapped another pic with the lights finished and dusk settling in.

My wife is happy, happy, happy!

Excellent Photos Stuart!
Great Lookin' Gazebo too!!

butt, most importantly....
This ? Looks OUTSTANDING!!!
Originally posted by Jim Lampe:
Hey! What Happened To BILL??!!

He Was There A Minute Ago...


He drank all my beer while he watched me work, then ate all my food and left before it was time to do the dishes!!

It doesn't show in the pics, but I had to extend the deck almost a foot behind that Japanese Lilac and the bushes on the other side. Bill (a.k.a. Colin) helped me do it and put the gazebo up so we had them over for dinner.
Enjoy your trip to Newfoundland! We are having fantastic weather here, we finally had some much needed rain on Saturday but things are clear again now. Be careful of the moose on the highway.
Have a great trip Stuart. That gazebo looks like it should still be standing when you get home, Good job. Sausages and corn look great.

