Sausage Co Ribs


Brian Trommater

TVWBB Super Fan
I am going to a chile cook off this weekend. I am judging this year so since I am not cooking chili I thought I would take some ribs. I bought a 30lb box at potters sausage. These are the meaty ones that tend to be tough. I am using a WSM so I will have to do in 2 batches. I thought I would smoke them for 2 hours and then put them in a roasting pan covered in foil in oven for a few more hours while next batch smokes and then finsh last batch in oven also. Does this sound like it will work all right?
I know of no ribs that 'tend to be tough'. There is enough connective tissue and fat on ribs simply by being ribs. If tough, they're not being cooked long enough.

The answer to your question is yes, you could do that. How long they'll need in the oven will depend on their size and the cooking temp. But you should be able to get them tender with no trouble--just time. Yiu could also do the whole cook in the smoker, if you have enough time, as a series of cooks.

How many slabs do you have in that box? At 4lbs per slab or so, I'd guess eight? I have done up to 12 slabs in my WSM using rib racks, so you could do them all at once. I'll go with Kevin on the tender part. If they are spares, they just need more time. Mine usually take 6-7 hours at 225-230. You certainly could finish them in an oven, or wrap in foil and on the WSM as well. I usually don't foil wrap mine because I think they tend to get a little mushy, but that's just a personal preference.

Good luck!

They are not spares. They call them 3 way cut. I have rib racks but dont think they will all fit in smoker. They are pretty long. There are 13 slabs almost two feet long and about 3 inches wide. Got a 30lb case for $12. Will just try to fit what I can in smoker and just cook them slow until tender.
You can probably fit all 13 slabs in your WSM.
Leave the rib racks at home. Roll your slabs into a circle and tie them with butchers twine.
Lay them on their side to cook and you can turn
them a time or two if you wish. They should all fit with room to spare. Save one for me!
Well that was the longest cook ever. Cooked at 220 on smoker for 4 hrs. Wrapped each slab in foil and cooked another 4 hrs at in oven at 250. Still tough. Turned down to 200 and cooked another 4 hrs. Checked and still fairly tough or at least the ones I checked. Went another 6 hrs while I got some sleep. Most where just right while the smaller ones where falling off the bone. They are some meaty ribs. Used the BRITU rub on them. They are very good but took way to long to cook but at $12 for 30lbs what the heck. Going to reheat them tomorrow in oven at chili cook off. I cut them up and put them in 4 foil pans. How long and at what temp should I reheat them?

