John Solak
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Been wanting a Santa Maria grill for a while and finally went and picked one up today. I had to break it in with a tri tip and red oak logs. Had to use my phone for the pics so they aren't that great.
20 X 30 Santa Maria style BBQ grill
Tri tip cooking away with a few sides. Corn, yellow peppers and some ranch style beans
While the tri tip was resting I put on some garlic bread
My plate. Weather is suppose to be outstanding so I gonna have fun this weekend figuring out how to cook on this grill!
20 X 30 Santa Maria style BBQ grill

Tri tip cooking away with a few sides. Corn, yellow peppers and some ranch style beans

While the tri tip was resting I put on some garlic bread

My plate. Weather is suppose to be outstanding so I gonna have fun this weekend figuring out how to cook on this grill!