Sand in an ECB charcoal pan

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Pat Trammell

I understand that many use the ECB Charcoal pan in lieu of the smaller stock water pan on their WSM. I have too and found it to be pretty efficient for temperature control as well as convenient. Additionally, I understand that several have used sand in their WSM's in lieu of water in the past. Does anyone have experience using sand in the ECB charcoal pan? Given the larger size, I wonder if using the sand instead of water would have any significant negative effect on temperature. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I use sand in an ECB charcoal pan. I haven't noticed any detrimental effects.

When I'm done, I just roll up the foil, with which I've covered the sand, and toss it.

Temperature control, for me, is as easy or easier with the sand.

Maybe some others will chime in with their experiences.
I don't use a true WSM or ECB charcoal pan in my setup, but what I have cobbled together is similar. I have used water and sand in the pan in my unit, and I find temps easier to control with the sand. One drawback is starting an early morning cook with sand that's been out all night and is somewhat cold. Slows down the rise of temps in the cooker....

Rich G. -- Q'in in CA!!
I have begun using sand whenever I travel with my unit. So far, I have seen no differences than when using water.

I am thinking about switching over to sand permanently and not deal with the water anymore.

I have used both the ECB and the WSM pans..again no difference in preformance or taste.
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