Sams Club Member Mark Grill Cleaner

I cannot definitely say, but I bought some last year and that is what the packaging looks like

*edit* and you had me scared that they may have changed it because of how much I love that stuff.
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Essentially it is the same product, although at a lower range of concentration. According to the SD sheets, the new product is 3.0 - 7.0 % sodium hydroxide and the older product is 5 - 10% sodium hydroxide (lye, caustic soda). Shrinkflation, apparently, watered down more but same price.

In looking for the SDS for the older product, I came across a lower price ($17.76) for the 3-pk sold through Walmart. It's confusing, though, because the front label is the older product and the back label is the new product, but you may find a better price with a little searching.

EDIT: Oops...I thought the price was $10 each at Sam's, but it's $10 for the 3-pk.
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I have never tried this stuff is it better then Easy Off Grill Cleaner or Simple Green Grill Cleaner. Those I have used. How does it compare?
I like Easy Off, but I use the MM Grill cleaner differently. I use it (MM) to spray on and then scrub but mostly I use it as a soak. I pour 3 bottles or so into a shallow pan that I can lay grates and other parts in to soak for a day or two at a time. After that, hitting the grates with a pressure washer cleans them up nicely except sometimes some stubborn stuff. The easy off is more of a spray on, let sit for a half hour or so and then scrub which is good for stuff that can't be soaked.
I like soaking the hardware in it. The lid pins, r clips, and the SS manifold bolts. I have yet to soak grates in it but can only imagine how well it would work. I like easy off for the initial cleaning of cookboxes (post scrape), since it seems to stick better and soak into and break down the built up stuff a little more.

And its pricing is FAR superior.
Thanks everyone.

Cody, I always wondered if there was another way to get the lid pin clips and r clips restored. I usually threw away the r clips and bought new, and if I did not wire wheel the lid pin clips, I would just buy new too.

Bruce, does your method of using it on grates work for all types or only stainless-steel grill grates?

