S J. Gold Mini WSM Smoker

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For the past 3 years, I have been using a 11.5" clay planter base. It works fine, but is a little large and one should not put it on a very hot, fully lit base. The ideal size would be 11". I decided to make a base out of a cast iron round griddle, by cutting off the handle I found an old 10.5' griddle, since I could not find an 11" one, cut the handle off with an angle grinder. It is almost ideal, I no longer have to be careful about putting the clay base on a fully lit SJ base. Latino stores also have cast iron comals for sale, that might work.
Regarding these pots, I have been in contact with the president of IMUSA here is my reply from him on this.

Hi Jeff,

That is correct, the stock pot itself has two different molds. Unfortunately, the made in Colombia was discontinued late last year as a result of manufacturing issues with the mold which forced us to stop producing them.

We no longer have any current inventory of this item, I suggest you try on-line. I believe in Detroit there is a wholesale company called Liberty Wholesale which carries our product. I am not sure what products they would have as they are a sub distributor of one of our Master Distributors.

Thanks again for your interest.


Manny Gaunaurd
I finally Finished my Mini WSM. I drilled the bottom as opposed cutting it out. I must say this makes smoking so simple. I did a pork shoulder but didn't take any pics so I guess it didn't happen. I was amazed that it kept 250 for 6 hours w/o messing with it too much.

Here is a charcoal grate I made

Baked Beans a combo of Vegetarian beans, Black beans,diced onions, Lima Beans and corn. I added maple syrup, Brown sugar, mango juice and Simply Marvelous Cherry Rub. Sitting on the bottom rack.

Chicken on the 2nd & 3rd rack seasoned with Simply Marvelous Cherry rub. The juices from the chicken dripping into the beans for extra seasoning.

Finished Product

Thanks For Looking!
Originally posted by glen jones:
Good show and Nice looking groceries.
Thanks it was a blast to cook on this. I'm going to try ribs on it this weekend I suppose I will have to cut the slabs in half to fit. This may be my go to cooker. It's very conservative on fuel.
I know this is the wrong place to post this... But I can pick up an 18.5 kettle used (but in brand new shape) or a Smokey Joe, for the same price. I want to make a smoker, and was wondering if anyone knows of a tamale pot that will fit on the 18.5?
Originally posted by Bode M:
I know this is the wrong place to post this... But I can pick up an 18.5 kettle used (but in brand new shape) or a Smokey Joe, for the same price. I want to make a smoker, and was wondering if anyone knows of a tamale pot that will fit on the 18.5?
You might look at the Cajun Bandit. (http://cajunbandit.com/) Unfortunately I cannot tell if it is for the 18.5 or 22.5 kettle. Info on their site is minimal to non-existent.

Edit: Cajun Bandit is for 22 1/2 kettle.

Here's a 18 1/4" stock pot: http://www.katom.com/002-C7880.html Price is a bit steep though.

And you would probably have to fashion own legs (or use a stepladder to tend your smoke.) And while the mini works well without a door, I doubt the same can be said of a larger smoker. I suggest looking for a real WSM if you want something that large.
Originally posted by Bode M:
I know this is the wrong place to post this... But I can pick up an 18.5 kettle used (but in brand new shape) or a Smokey Joe, for the same price. I want to make a smoker, and was wondering if anyone knows of a tamale pot that will fit on the 18.5?

I doubt if you are going to find a pot @ 18 inches, you might have some success witha drum. I don't know the various sizes but it is plausible.
That Polar Ware at the Katom link is 8 guage stock pot which is much heftier than our thin Imusa Tamale pot.

The main difference is that the Imusa is meant for heating water at the bottom for steaming so it doesn't need to have a thick bottom or sides. I would look for a steamer type pot unless you can get a great deal for a stock pot.

Check out Restraunt Supply houses in your area especially ones that sell Asian steamers.
I would get both, but I have a red performer, a red otg 22.5, I just want a dedicated smoker though. I may get both! HAHA,
Question, do you guys use a water pan or not? I see most use a terra cotta pot, but for drippings.

Guys do you use a drip pot and a water pot... I'm a little confused here
Originally posted by Bode M:
Question, do you guys use a water pan or not? I see most use a terra cotta pot, but for drippings.

Guys do you use a drip pot and a water pot... I'm a little confused here
I usually use a water pan. That helps with temperature control since water boils at 212° F. As you develop skill maintaining the desired temperature, you can probably skip the water. For stuff like chicken that doesn't benefit as much from low 'n slow I foil my water pan (a large stainless dog bowl) and skip the water.

I cannot comment on the terra cotta saucer as I have not tried it.
Happy 4th to all!
M Bode, when building my mini, I went out and purchased a terra cotta tray to try out. I have never used that tray. I list trimmed the steamer tray that came with the IMUSA pot. I wanted to get away from using water as some believe it uses up more fuel (to heat the water). I can honestly say, if you trim the steamer tray and caver it with a couple layers of foil, you will have all the heat shield (a heat sheild not a heat sink) you will ever need. I posted pics (of my build) back on page 24 of this forum.
I hope this helps, and good luck!
J, I just used a jig saw to cut out the steamer tray down to the desired size. As you can see by my pics, I knid of went in my own direction when I cut out the bottom of my pot. I wanted a difuser/shield that really didn't weigh a lot so as not to force my (raised) tabs to lay flat. So presto, the staemer tray (cut to size) has been the perfect solution.

Good luck,
Originally posted by Bode M:
Question, do you guys use a water pan or not? I see most use a terra cotta pot, but for drippings.

Guys do you use a drip pot and a water pot... I'm a little confused here

I do not use a water pan on my Double Chef or my mini smoker.For the mini I just wrap a 12 in pizza pan with foil and thats my drip tray.
I am having a hard time getting my hands on this pot. I ordered from Target and got the one from Columbia. 12 dollars for shipping down the drain.
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