S J. Gold Mini WSM Smoker

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yea, over did the holes. i drilled 12 3/4 in holes into that poor little can. the next can will have just 8. i've always mentioned that its important to position the vents in relation to the wind. one of my cooks i had a kind of wind that would switch around and it was really messing up the cook. i could see the top vent smoke actually reverse with smoke coming out the bottom. so i stck the can on the top vent and that cured the problem. so next is to figure out a taller can/chimney for the sjs and even the larger kettle.
I had several cans of black BBQ grill paint left over from an abandoned Ducane gasser rescue project from a couple of years ago. I got all motivated on Sunday and put two coats of black grill paint on my tamale pot mid section on my Mini. Looks nice but does anybody know of any high temperature paint that has a more glossy finish so that the mid section would more closely match the finish on the top and bottom?


Hi guys.

Ive been reading this thread for a couple of weeks and you have inspired me to build my first smoker. I think I'm addicted. I built my smoker yesterday, smoked some tilapia and a potato, and I'm doing a whole chicken as I type this.

I just wanted to pass on a little bit of information for other people thinking of doing this.

First - I ordered my tamale pot from Target/Amazon on 8-20-10 and got the correct pot.
Second - If you use a terra cotta plate use a glazed one. I used a regular one and it cracked even though it had no weight on it.
Third - temp at the bottom of the pot at my grate is ~25 degrees lower than at the vent.
And finally, if you are looking for a large can to make an ash stopper the green bean ones are cheap, although I'm not sure I want to eat that many green beans.

So thanks again to everyone out there and I'll let you know more after I figure out what I'm doing.

The reason that the ceramic planter based crack was likely thermal shock, doubt that being unglazed had anything to do with it. I had a glazed one crack, but the unglazed one has been OK for a year. The ceramic base should always be warmed gradually, rather than setting the planter base on a fully lit SJ base. I light the charcoal by using about 6-10 briquettes on top of the unlit ones, then immediately put the barrel/ceramic planter base on top, so it will warm gradually.
Good point, I hadn't considered that. On a side note, it looks like it will still work until I pick up another one.
Well the chicken is almost done so I've got to go.
Thought I would add my 2 cents regarding glazed terra cotta.
I have avoided it, because I have seen in other places that glazed terra cotta should not be used for cooking, since the glaze may produce unhealthy vapors as it cooks. Obviously there are food grade glazes used on cooking products, but for planter pots, it is probably not food grade.
I found this information when reading about making one of the Alton Brown terra cotta pot smokers.
It kind of makes sense to me, so I have avoided glazed products.
I've been using a clay saucer in my mini without a problem. I place the saucer in a pie pan to mimic the wsm. This maybe what's preventing it from the cracking.
I use a terra cotta saucer in mine also. I use the round aluminum piece that I cut out of the bottom of the pot as a "heat deflector". I put a little concave to it and put a piece of loosely rolled 1/4" thick aluminum foil between the saucer and the "deflector". I believe this is keeping the direct heat from cracking the saucer. I can post pics if anybody requests them.
I may try that with the lid, I didn't get the pretty cut out some of you did on the bottom of the pot. I used aviation snips but it looks like I cut it with a chain saw

I just got Imusa 32qt tamale cooker from Target.com and it is too big for my (DT) Smokey Joe!!! The pot measures 11 7/8" tall, 14 1/4" wide a the bottom, 15" wide at the top. This thing isn't even close. My pot was manufactured in Hechoen Columbia. Has anyone else ran into this problem???

Help me,

Hey guys, just a quick thought, I plan on trying to build a SJ mini WSM smoker in the next few weeks. I have been reading most of the posts and am really excited about it! Just a thought; the main problem I am reading is the variences in the diameter of the tamale steamers. What if(before you went to Target, Wal-mart or a cooking supply store) you were to set the top of your SJ. on a piece of cardboard or poster board and trace the outer circumfrence.(sp?) cut it out and you would have an exact template to measure your tamale steamer on. You may get a few odd looks at the store, but it sure beats the heck out of having to drive back to the store to return a steamer. I know this won't work when ordering on-line, but for those of us going to the store, it seems like a pretty good way to insure a matching fit.
Let me know if this helps, like I said earlier, I plan on building one in the NEAR future!!
Hi Tim.
You can probably get away with just using a tape measure and measuring across the middle. I was lucky enough to get the correct steamer a little over a week ago online but from what I've seen the other one is far enough off that it would be obvious with a tape measure. Just a thought that may save you a little effort.
Just wanted to add that I absolutely love mine. I've done fish, whole chickens, bone in turkey breasts, potatoes and frozen veggies and everything has been perfect even though I know nothing about smoking. Hope yours turns out just as good.
And for anyone making a charcoal ring, I found some disposable grills for 2 bucks each that have a light weight mesh grate that cuts easy and doesn't seem to break down after 3 cooks.

Hi Don, sorry I didn't see your post when I made my last one.
It looks like there are 2 versions of the tamale steamer, one made in china which is the correct one and one made somewhere else. I am wondering if the wrong one is the new style and the correct one is the old style and may be just left over at the warehouse closest to my location.
A few people have reported that other pots/steamers work in the 30ish quart range so you may be better off sending your pot back and taking a tape measure to local department stores.
I wish you the best of luck.

I purchased mine directly at a Walmart. I had intended to take my SJ lid with me to confirm size, however LDean made a great suggestion that I just take the pot over to the garden center where they sell the SJ's and check the pot for size that way. It worked great, Walmart had a SJS on display and I simple set the cooker in place.

At the time Our Walmart had 22 of the 32 qt IMUSA's all lined up on top of the produce shelf. They were not where you would normally find that type of item. They had one with the 'pots and pans' but it was damaged so employees helped me find the rest in produce.
Duh, I guess that would make the most sense, just keep it in house, and measure it at the store!! Wes, Pics, Pics, I wanna see some Pics!! I love to see pics of others creations!
Thanks guys, for all the friendly helpful advice!
I've got an 11 pound turkey I'm going to try to fit in it Monday, if I can squeeze it I will take some pics.

Originally posted by Tim (the grillaholic):
Duh, I guess that would make the most sense, just keep it in house, and measure it at the store!! Wes, Pics, Pics, I wanna see some Pics!! I love to see pics of others creations!
Thanks guys, for all the friendly helpful advice!

Tim: I have loads of pics of mine, from assy to cooking with it, also closeups of the additional mods like the vent control and the thermometer probe access holes. I am too old to get involved in posting the pics in 'photobucket'or other sources. I can email jpegs to anyone wanting them and sending me an email address to send them to.

Originally posted by chris schnautz:
Check this out!!


Thanks for posting this link. I had heard C&C might consider fabricating a mini SJ WSM. I asked them that question when I ordered my Rotisserie Ring, and before I started my mod as their stuff is of the highest quality and I would prefer one from them. Didn't get an answer, but I will certainly watch their site for an announcement.
Thanks again.
i replied on te other post but i'll mention it here also. should we be worried about the legs with all this ? with the simple conversion i'm not but as we add things it could become a issue.
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