Definitely "thanks", Marty!
But I'd like to add another question to this "catchy" thread if you don't mind. I've always heard that spices shouldn't be stored over a long period (a year or a "season" is what I've heard), but then what? And how appropriate is that length of time.
Do folks throw out "old" spices? Put up with degradation and hang on to the bitter end of the "jar"?
What about refrigerating -- does that help preserve them? And how many of you have your collection of spices in the fridge? (And have you noticed that the word "refrigerator" spell-checks correctly as does "fridge", but "refridgerator" is wrong?!!
We have some spices that are REALLY old (though much less so since I started grilling/smoking and doing most of the cooking!). I'd kind of like opinions on what to do with them.
In that vein, my mother recently asked me if I TASTED my spices. (The answer was bascially "no".) She said that can help decide whether to keep old spices. Thoughts on that subject also please?
Again, Marty. I hope I'm not carrying off your thread (though of course, I am). I just thought you gave a great tip and also indirectly brought up the question of long-term storage.
Edit: Hey, Marty! I just went back and read your intro thread. Maybe you just leave your spices outside to keep them fresh!?