Royal Oak Briquettes vs. Old Kingsford


Kevin K.

TVWBB Member
I have used the last of the old Kingsford and it's time to buy more charcoal. I've read the postings on the new Kingsford and the reports are not favorable. I've always liked the old Kingsford and am looking for a comparable replacement. How do Royal Oak briquettes compare to the old Kingsford?

All the coments I've heard about Royal Oak have been favorable. Have not personaly tried it.

I don't think I'll go back to Kingsford, even the old stuff. I've been using Nature-glow and it has much better flavor, and no odd amonia smell while cooking. I don't think it burns quite as long and is a little more expensive, but who cares. The WSM is so fuel efficent any way.
Royal Oak makes a very good product. Wether you use the briqs or the lump it's all good.
I picked up a bag of the Royal Oak briqs last summer and was very happy with it. Acted just like Kford as far as I could tell. If I had to guess I'd say it produced less ash but thats a guess.
I bought a couple of bags of the briqs this weekend and did spares on a RK. I found them at Lowe's and was satisfied with the burn time but really couldn't tell on that cooker if the ash was more, less or the same as Kingsford.


