Joe Anshien
TVWBB Honor Circle
Your summit was much larger with a lot of different burner settings. This little 2 burner got nice and hot with even heat through the small cookbox and did a rotisserie great. On this chicken I was cooking it hot at about 450-500° to get the skin nice and crispy and had to eventually back the burners down as you can see they are on low to finish up the cook because the skin was as dark as I liked. I think I was contributing to the "Crispy Skin" Thread we had going on at the time. You saying "Spinning does not work well on any of the newer generation grills" is just wrong. Maybe in your experience this is true but I have got great results on lots of newer grills. My Napoleon can spin with the best of them. Maybe it is easier to dial in the older side burners but you can still get great results with N/S burner grills just by keeping the burners under the chicken on and maintaining a nice 450-475° heat throughout the cook.Simply reporting how my Summit performed compared to my Genesis. It was no contest. Glad you liked it. I was totally displeased and was the ONLY reason I kept the Genesis. I had to back out of a sale because the rotisserie performance was so bad. I have perhaps a different set of parameters than you on what I call "quality" rotisserie.
The beauty of the ORIGINAL Genesis was you could spin the food over INDIRECT heat, literally surrounding it with an "even wall" of heat and no exposure to direct fire. I could not do that on the Summit. Yes I could do what you are showing but IMO it totally defeats the purpose of what rotisserie cooking should be. That is just grilling on a spinning stick. Yeah, it works. But, it's not what I look for when spinning food